Thursday, May 1, 2008

CYM Mass; Steamboat Substitute

Late this arvo, for the first time in ages, I made it to the chapel in Highgate for Fr O'Rielly's 5.30pm Mass for Catholic Youth Ministry. He's a great priest, retired, but still very active (despite, or rather because of, two artificial knees), and "straight down the line" in his grasp of the Faith. He says a good no-nonsense modern Mass, and always gives a readily applicable homily firmly centred on Christ. At 6.30pm, had I stayed, there would have been the usual CYM Holy Hour, with Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; during the Adoration, and after the Holy Hour as well, Fr hears confessions, and greatly helps many of the youth who come to him for the Sacrament of Penance and related spiritual direction and discernment. Ad multos annos, Father!

However, tonight I couldn't stay - Fr's comment: We won't have Holy Hour if people praise it but never come! - for I had a dinner engagement. Unfortunately, the venue and menu had changed, because Carmen, a sprightly old lady who'd invited all the usual suspects from the Pro. for steamboat at her flat, had had a fall yesterday when running to catch the bus, and broke her wrist: please pray for her. So we assembled instead at Fr Rowe's, including Carmen, with one arm in a sling, and had a modified menu of various dishes; I supplied the beer - a Belgian-style, made in Quebec: Unibroue's Blanche de Chambly, which was on special at my favourite liquor retailer, The International Beer Shop; I think I'll try other Unibroue productions...

Last year it was I who had missed the steamboat party, when I came down with a shocking dose of the flu; perhaps third time lucky?

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