Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brothers of the Oratory

Come all who seek to pray - the Brothers of the Oratory will meet tomorrow evening, on St George's Day, Wednesday the 23rd of April, at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth, from 6.30 to 7.30 pm.

We commence, as is our wont, with Exposition of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Next, we sing the Litanies of the Saints, to unite ourselves with all the Church down the ages, in communion with all the elect who ever worship the Lamb, joining our praise and prayer and worship with theirs, that God may hearken unto our united petitions and save us. Invoking the Holy Ghost, and, under Him, St Philip our Patron, we then embark together upon an half-hour of mental prayer, to be ended with prayers for each other and for perseverance in God's service. The devotions culminate in Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; then we sing the Anthem of Our Lady, and a hymn to St Philip to conclude.

Those attending are welcome to gather afterward for conversation, dinner and a drink.

St Philip Neri, Patron of the Fratres Oratorii, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I did call the good Padre, but left a message - could you let him know I'll meet you guys at the Pro tonight.

