Monday, March 17, 2008

Six days before the Pasch

Ante sex dies Paschæ... (St John xii, 1-9) - Our Lord dines with Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, whom He restored to life; and Mary anoints Him as for burial; Judas the thief complains at all the fuss. Six days before the Passover...

I heard this Gospel thrice this afternoon, once in prayer with others, and then twice at the Pro., where I heard one Low Mass and then served a second. The passage appointed for the Epistle (from Isaias l, 5-10) was one of the great Passion prophecies. As always, the orations of the Mass are pregnant with meaning:

Grant, we beseech, almighty God, that we, who fail by reason of our infirmity in so many adversities, may breathe again by the pleading of the Passion of Thine Onlybegotten Son: Who with Thee liveth...

Cleansed by the potent power of these sacrifices, almighty God, may they make us to come more purified to their source. Through...

May Thy holy gifts, Lord, inspire us with divine fervour, that we may both delight in their celebration and in their fruit. Through...

Help us, O God of our salvation, and grant that we may come joyfully to recollect the benefits whereby Thou hast deigned to restore us. Through...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. :)

    I have the good fortune of being able to go to Mass each day between now and the Triduum.

    I heard this Gospel thrice this afternoon, once in prayer with others, and then twice at the Pro., where I heard one Low Mass and then served a second.

    - It sounds like Catholic Asutralia is buzzing. Wonderful stuff.
