Saturday, March 8, 2008

Over and Out...

...for the moment: I am laid low with a cold that has grown worse and worse all week, and am undesirous of making new posts here (though I am still in combat over at Sentire cum Ecclesia). What can I report? Missed several Masses I'd have liked to assist at; still to catch up on my prayers; quite 'mizzerable' (going through a bad spell!). At least I've had time to do a bit of DVD-watching, looking at The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (Last week, I think, I finished off Ken Burn's great doco series on the U.S. Civil War.) Of your charity, pray for me!


  1. Sentire cum Ecclesia?

    Hope you get better soon.

  2. I'll just now edit the post and include the relevant link - it's the blog of a friend of mine from years back, David Schütz, a former Lutheran pastor, now a Catholic employed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne in ecumenical and interfaith outreach. I seem to always end up doing battle there with Lutherans, in a most ecumenical way of course! Most recent examples include a dispute on the sacrifice of the Mass...
