Sunday, March 2, 2008

Joshua the Stylite

Apparently there is an ancient chronicle, an important eye-witness account of various affairs, attributed to one Joshua the Stylite, a Syrian monk of the early sixth century: the document is clearly the equivalent of a blog. I imagine him perched on a stool, pen in hand; I sit on a chair, laptop at my fingertips.

Having researched the stylites some more, I have turned up references (but that's all) to such exotic characters as Dionysius the Stylite, Abba Julian the Stylite, even Neilos the Younger, Stylite, whose relics' translation is commemorated in some churches! The Orthodox revere Antony the Stylite, a 6th century Georgian, of Martkob (Martomq'ophi - მართომყოფჰი), but I can't discover if the West accepts him; ditto for the case of Nikita (Nicetas), Stylite of Pereyaslavl (died 1186).

In order to gain yet more approved celestial intercessors, I append the troparia and kontakia of the following pillar-saints, all of whom appear in the present-day Roman Martyrology:

St Luke the Younger, Wonderworker, Stylite, d. 955 (7th February)


Let us firmly honour Luke the Godbearer with hymns and chants, the glory of the faithful, the boast of the righteous, bright light of Stirion and its true inhabitant; he brings near to Christ those who cry out in faith: Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee; glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.


God in ineffable judgment chose thee before thou wast fashioned according to His good pleasure; He took thee from thy mother's womb, He sanctified thee as His servant. As the Lover of mankind He guided thee to Himself, before whom thou dost now stand rejoicing, O Luke.

St Symeon the Younger, Stylite of the Wondrous Mountain, 517-592 (24th May)


Thou didst shine from the wondrous mountain as a lamp of the gifts of asceticism. Thy pillar has become a ladder from earth to heaven for those who hasten to thy fold, O wonderworking Symeon. Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee; glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.


Thou didst long for things on high and renounce things below; thou didst make thy pillar another heaven and shine with radiant miracles; O Symeon, ever interceding with Christ our God for us all.

St Symeon Stylites the Elder, d.459 (1st September) [Western date: 27th July]


O Symeon, righteous father, thou didst become a pillar of patience, and excel like the forefathers: Job in his sufferings, Joseph in temptation, and in the flesh wert like the bodiless ones. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.


While seeking the kingdom of heaven thou wast united to mankind on earth. Thy pillar was a chariot of fire and thou a companion of angels. O righteous Symeon, intercede with Christ our God for us all.

St Lazarus the Stylite of Mount Galesius, d. 1054 (7 November)


Thou didst drench thy pillar with tears in thy vigils, and in labours bear fruit an hundredfold. As a shepherd thou didst grant forgiveness to all who came to thee, Father Lazarus. Intercede with Christ our God that our souls may saved.


The Church is singing to thee in gladness since thou art a great light, O Lazarus. Cease not to intercede with Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.

St Alypius the Stylite of Adrianople in Paphlagonia, fl. 6th C. (26th November)


Thou wast a pillar of patient endurance,having having imitated the forefathers, O Venerable One: Job in suffering, and Joseph in temptations. Thou didst live like the Bodiless Ones while yet in the flesh, O Alypius, our Father. Beseech Christ God that our souls may be saved.


The Church glorifies and praises thee today, Alypius, as a perfect example of virtue and the boast of ascetics. Through thy prayers, grant remission of sins to all who venerate thy life and thy struggles.

St Daniel the Stylite, 409-493 (11th December)


O Daniel, righteous Father, thou didst become a pillar of patience, and excel like the forefathers: Job in his sufferings, Joseph in temptation, and in the flesh wast like the bodiless ones. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.


Thou didst ascend thy pillar and enlighten the world like a brilliantly shining star; and thou didst dispel the darkness of error, O blessed Father Daniel. Therefore we pray thee, illumine the hearts of thy servants with the true Eternal Light.

And if one wishes to invoke the synaxis of all the sainted stylites, use the common troparion in the plural:

Ye became columns of endurance and rivalled the forefathers, O Holy Ones, becoming like Job in your sufferings, like Joseph in your trials, like the bodiless angels though still alive. O Stylites, our Holy Fathers, intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls!

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