Sunday, March 16, 2008

All Glory Laud and Honour

Neale's famous translation of Theodulph's great hymn always brings tears to my eyes, thinking of today's triumphant welcome given to Christ our King, and his fast-coming rejection, condemnation, insulting and death; hear the tune, read the words, and sing it to yourself courtesy of Cyberhymnal.

Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe, Redemptor!

Now I must fly: time to get ready to drive to Mass, and sing. We'll be having Solemn High Mass this morning, and in the afternoon, at Kelmscott, we'll do it all again with a Missa Cantata.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Fell in love with this one at my old Anglican church where we sang it every year with a full-blown high-church procession. :-D

  2. Welcome, Augustine - I was interested to read your blog; when is the big day when you'll swim the Tiber?

  3. I'll never forget the first time I heard and sang this hymn. It has been a favorite ever since. It was sometime in the 70's and we had the Solemn Procession around the Church... Heaven!

  4. Your reference to the hymn "All Glory, Laud and Honour" caught my eye today. I tried the link to the "Cyber Hymnal" but it failed. Perhaps just as well.

    The Cyber Hymnal was created by a friend of mine about 13 years ago. Then all his content was taken, without permission, to create another site. I encourage you to link to the original at...
    To do so will show respect for the many hours of work put into it, not only by one man, but by others who continue to assist him, including me.
