Saturday, February 2, 2008

St Brigid, Virgin, 2nd Class Feast

My on-again, off-again use of the Roman Breviary continues... tonight, after Low Mass, I borrowed Fr Rowe's Breviary to pray Vespers, and so celebrated Vespers of St Brigid, that pearl of the Irish Church, firstfruits of the maidens of that land for Christ (the rest of the day I used the Divine Office, but will probably end with 1962 style Compline).

In the proper calendar for the dioceses of Australia, in the old rite, she merits a 2nd class feast; but while St Patrick's Day is still a solemnity in Oz, even in the Novus Ordo, his disciple, the Mary of the Gael, no longer has a place - so much for women's rights! Anyhow, at the TLM she displaced the (beautiful) proper Mass for St Ignatius, Bp & M, leaving him to be commemorated only.

On the spur of the moment, realizing that I had prepared a fair amount of curry earlier, I asked Fr to come join us for dinner, since I've many times benefitted from his generous invitations to join him and other friends for meals. To my surprise and relief, the tinned mackerel I'd curried Penang-style with various vegies tasted quite good! A Belgian beer (Leffe blonde) beforehand, fresh figs (brought by Fr) for dessert, several cups of tea afterward, and Cointreau on ice to finish made for a fine Friday feast.


  1. Ach! I am having a real dreadful time with the Breviary right now. I am finding myself resenting the blandness of the English one, not understanding the Latin one, and upset with the length of the 1962 one. I don't know how to resolve it; I'm not sure I can until the Autumn.

    YUM! I wish I'd been in your neck of the woods!

  2. P.S. Love the Habemus Papam mix! It's like the Smurfs Technoremix.

    By the way, I am getting awfully confused with all the Joshuas commenting on my blog... are you the one whose email begins 'fr' and ends in gmail?

  3. I think that's me - now, don't hack my account, now! ;-)

    I appreciate your Breviary woes, but do remember this: even in its translated blandness, the Divine Office IS the Prayer of the Church, and therefore is of great value. It's certainly a lot better than the translation of the Mass... a pity about that, too, of course.

    I agree with an earlier comment on your blog: if you have only a bit of Latin, don't punish yourself trying to read and pray in it. I freely admit that I find some of the psalms, let alone the Matins readings, rather hard to comprehend in Latin. Do as Pawel, I think, suggested, and use little bits of Latin - I do this too.

    So, use the modern Office, except perhaps using Compline or other bits from the old if the mood takes you. Even when in English, begin with "Deus in adjutorium", use the "Gloria Patri", say "benedicamus Domino" etc., pray the Magnificat in Latin, and some of the more familiar psalms, e.g. the De profundis. Say the Pater noster in Latin. This is how I myself came to learn Latin - by using it, and later on studying it.

    Good luck, and hope you get better from what ails you. If you're ever in Perth, you can join us for Mass, Office, and a meal!

    Must run - having the car tyres replaced, and then will catch the train to town for Candlemas - am singing. Fr is having a holy hour afterward as well, LOL, since it's a First Saturday. Going to be hot here: 37 C today.

  4. Thanks, Joshua; I really appreciate your advice.
