Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shakespeare in the Park

I caught up with a dear relative of mine, and some of her friends, this evening, for I joined them in King's Park to attend a play of Shakespeare, "As You Like It", which I hadn't seen before. It was good fun, especially as someone had had the amusing idea to camp it up and put the actors in 1960's outfits of the bizarrest! The Forest of Arden became a hippie commune, for instance - ROTFL. Good fun, and great to have a picnic beforehand, with some pleasant company, food and drink. Did I mention the ducks? - lots of local waterfowl (of which I'm very fond, whether alive and quacking, or roasted and carved) from nearby the pond and stream came sauntering around before sunset, obviously wishing to glean the scraps from all these people gatecrashing their park! I hope we didn't keep them up too late.

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