Friday, February 22, 2008

Obœdientia et Pax

The Venerable Baronius, that faithful disciple of St Philip Neri, used always to kiss the foot of the statue of St Peter in the Vatican Basilica, in token of his entire submission to Christ's Vicar on earth, the Pope, saying as he did so, Obœdientia et pax ("Obedience and peace"). I invite all sons of the Church to do the same this day, the Feast of Peter's Chair.

Act of Faith

O my God, I believe in Thee, and in all that Thy Holy Church teacheth, for Thou hast said it, and Thy Word is true.

I also offer my congratulations to my former parish priest, the (now Most Reverend) Geoffrey Jarrett, who seven years ago today was consecrated Bishop of Lismore, N.S.W. - ad multos annos, Your Lordship!


  1. What a wonderful feast-day. I had an argument with a parishioner after Mass at the monastery today - He was quoting Bishop Robinson, and said that Peter, being the rock was meant to be walked on by the rest of the church. I remarked that papal infallibility caused a schism after the Vatican Council...

    Reading my Navarre Bible, it has a quote by St. Catherine of Siena saying that if you don't respect the Christ on earth[the Pope], then you don't respect Christ in heaven, and you will not drink His Precious Blood.


  2. Always good to hear from our contact in Bunbury - when will you get blogging?

    Today has been a fine feast indeed! After Low Mass at the Pro, some of us, including Fr, went out for a Chinese meal at Han's Cafe round the corner. (It being Lent, something Asian is the best compromise so as to not eat meat but still have a tasty spread.)

    Could I ask prayers for one of the parishioners, Sue, Justin's mother? She's very sick in hospital, and has been anointed.
