Monday, February 18, 2008

Ghostly Counsel

Some helpful advice from a holy Franciscan to whom I have confessed:

Say three Hail Mary's each morning, begging for the grace to avoid deadly sin, and say another three at night, in thanksgiving for graces received and the preservation of one's soul from stain: one may add devoutly "By thy pure and immaculate conception, O Mary, make my body pure and my soul holy" (Per tuam puram et immaculatam conceptionem, O Maria, fac purum corpus meum et sanctam animam meam), while kneeling.

In obedience to Our Lady's desires at Fatima, pray the Rosary daily, and make sacrifices for sinners.

Practice such easy and hidden mortifications as: to prefer another's will to thine own; to choose to partake of something one does not like, or to take less of what one does like.

Advice received in the confessional - as, to pray the Rosary daily - partakes of a quasi-sacramental efficacy, and so is graced.

Go not from one priest to another, but prefer to confess to one's regular confessor, and inform him always if one has been shriven by another, and of any advice one may have received therefrom.

Strive to strengthen one's will; avoid near occasions of sin; have always a firm purpose of amendment.

Beseech God for all necessary graces unto salvation, for unto such prayers He delights to hearken.

1 comment:

  1. Very good advice. We have to ask God's grace to continually convert to Him, and to thank Him for our continued efforts. Deo gratias!
