Sunday, January 27, 2008

Singing again

Since the choir still hasn't resumed its normal schedule, for his sins this blogger had again to psalm-tone the Proper by himself, plus lead the Asperges, Missa de Angelis and Credo III, and the hymns "Firmly I believe and truly" as the processional, Ave maris stella at Offertory, Adoro te at Communion, and "Faith of our fathers" for the recessional. Rosemary and one of the choristers from the mixed choir joined me, thankfully, at the last minute.

At least it wasn't as hot today as it had been, and the Pro. was bearable, not stifling: nonetheless Fr Rowe did as he'd planned, and took off his chasuble as well as maniple to preach, beginning with that arresting joke "Isn't it lovely and cool - the fires of hell and purgatory are MUCH hotter..."

He went on to say he hoped there weren't many present in the first three categories of Catholics enumerated in today's Gospel by our Lord (mea culpa; at least I'd been shriven again), and hoped we weren't among the *lukewarm and lazy* who didn't bother to come to yesterday's Holy Hour for the Conversion of Australia. Ouch!

Don't get me wrong! I much prefer a priest, like Fr Rowe, who reiterates the need for us to strive to save our souls by God's grace, to the sort who let one slumber in indifference.

At least I finished Matins from the Breviary before Mass, and got Lauds done in stages before, during! and after it. On to the Little Hours...

The Church this Sexagesima puts before us Noe and the Ark, that sole refuge in the mighty flood, figure of the Church extra quam nulla salus, at Matins; St Paul, Doctor of the Gentiles, in the Collect and Epistle (connecting nicely with the feast of his Conversion on Friday - in the modern Office, St John Chrysostom, read that day, well put it that the history of that great Apostle shews us to what heights graced human nature may reach, holding him a great exemplar and inspiration for all); and the Gospel Parable of the Sower as alluded to above.

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