Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Feedback Wanted

Obviously someone's visiting my blog (the sitemeter is set not to count it when I sign in), but I see no one has any desire to leave comments at my perhaps too self-focussed postings.

So, over to thee, gentle reader! If you stop by, leave a comment - is this blog bizarre? worthless? overly pious? so very individualistic as to be of no interest to anyone else? a source of profound spiritual enlightenment? [Hint: the desired answer is probably the last one... ;-) ]


  1. I love this blog!!! I have prayers to pray, material for meditation, good translations, and a spirit of hope. I visit almost daily. Please, keep up the good work!

  2. Oremus pro invicem, Father.

    Please remember me at the holy altar.

  3. Hi Joshua,

    I find this blog to be a source of profound spiritual enlightenment (and I can take a hint too ;-) ).

    I’m not actually a great one for leaving comments but will say is that this blog has quickly become one of my regular ‘rota’ to visit, principally because of its wide-range and variety. In some ways I wonder if it’s the sort of blog that’s ever going to generate huge numbers of comments – and of course it’s relatively early days yet.

    In short, you’re doing fine.



  4. Me too! You read my blog and I read yours! (I follow on Blogger)

  5. Thanks, David!

    How ever did you find this old post - you haven't been reading back over the whole year, surely?
