Saturday, January 12, 2008

Epiphany Blessings

As Epiphanytide draws to a close, I thought I might post the blessings at Epiphany Matins – which are in rhyme, as usual – from the Ambrosian Breviary of old, asking a blessing from Christ at his Manifestation to the Gentiles:

Nos defendat a pœnis inferni 
cui tulerunt munera Magi.  R/.  Amen.
Per apparitionem stellæ 
perducat nos Dominus ad gaudia vitæ.  R/.  Amen.
Christus lux lucis 
det nobis gaudia pacis.  R/.  Amen.
Qui in Jordane est baptizatus, 
nostros deleat ipse reatus.  R/.  Amen.
Filius Dei vivi 
faciat nos per omnia placere sibi.  R/.  Amen.
Christus Rex regum 
nos faciat vivere secum.  R/.  Amen.
Christi Jesu Stella vera 
illuminet sensus et corda nostra.  R/.  Amen.
Jesus Deus noster 
benedicat nos et nunc et semper.  R/.  Amen.

(May He defend us from the pains of hell, 
to Whom the Magi brought gifts.  R/.  Amen.
By the apparition of a star 
may the Lord bring us to the joys of life.  R/.  Amen.
May Christ the Light of Light 
give us the joy of peace.  R/.  Amen.
May He Who was baptized in the Jordan 
Himself efface our guilt.  R/.  Amen.
May the Son of the living God 
make us to please Him in all things.  R/.  Amen.
May Christ the King of kings 
make us to live with Him.  R/.  Amen.
May the true Star of Christ Jesus 
enlighten our minds and hearts.  R/.  Amen.
May Jesus our God 
bless us both now and ever.  R/.  Amen.)

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