Monday, January 28, 2008

Chrysostom on St Paul

From the Divine Office for the 25th of January, quoting from St John Chrysostom's 2nd Homily on St Paul:

"It was Saint Paul more than anyone else who showed what man is and how great is the nobility of our nature, as well as what capacity for virtue this human animal has. Every day he advanced in stature, every day he fought ith ever-renewed keenness against the dangers threatening him; he showed this when he said: 'I forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead.' ... It was not simply that he looked for more, he looked for much more."

I recall that the Barnabites, or Clerks Regular of St Paul, were established by St Anthony Mary Zaccaria and others to emulate and imitate the manners and virtues of this great Apostle.

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