Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blessed John Henry Newman?

Recent news indicates that Ven. Cardinal Newman's beatification may be at last in the offing.   (BTW, to read "Newman on the Argument from Design" by Noel Roberts, a friend of mine whom I've just visited in Hobart, follow this link to New Blackfriars January 2007 issue, and click on the link: it's free.)  With thanks to the excellent Newman Reader site, which makes available all his writings online, I post the prayer Catholics are asked to pray to obtain of God this blessing:

to obtain the Beatification of 
John Henry Cardinal Newman

God our Father,
your servant John Henry Newman
upheld the faith by his teaching and example.

May his loyalty to Christ and the Church,
his love of the Immaculate Mother of God,
and his compassion for the perplexed
give guidance to the Christian people today.

We beg you to grant the favours we ask
through his intercession
so that his holiness may be recognized by all
and the Church may proclaim him a saint.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:

The Vice-Postulator
The Oratory, Birmingham
B16 8UE

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